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What to expect

Our weekly worship service is at 10:00 AM every Sunday morning. Feel free to dress casually and come as you are. We provide practical biblical teaching. Here you can find authentic and heart-felt worship, Spirit-led ministry, and genuine fellowship. We are passionate about taking excellent care of our children, and we provide nursery and children’s church for ages birth-12 years. When you walk through our doors, you feel like family. And our prayer is that you would have a genuine encounter with the Holy Spirit when you visit Hilltop.​


Here's a breakdown of a typical Sunday service:​


Prior to 10am – Coffee and chat

Please grab yourself a cup of coffee from our coffee bar before finding a seat. This is also a great time to catch up with old friends or meet some new friends.​


10am – Worship through singing

We begin our service with a time of worship. Our worship band will play a variety of contemporary worship songs from a variety of different artists. Our worship time is informal, but intentional. When we worship together, we sing for God’s glory, and we invite the Holy Spirit to meet us as we sing. We typically worship for about 20-25 minutes.​



We celebrate communion (the Lord's Supper) every week at Hilltop. All followers of Jesus Christ are invited to participate. It's a time when we can reflect on what Christ has done for us and a time to recommit our lives to Him. 


Kids go to Children's Ministry

Before announcements, parents of kids in K-6th grade are invited to check them into our Children's Ministry. On a side note, we have Tween Ministry (2nd-6th grade) and Thrive Ministry (7th-12th grade) on Wednesday nights.​



A member of our announcement team will share a few announcements about upcoming events at Hilltop.​



Pastor Roger Sodsod or a member from our teaching team will share a practical Bible-based teaching, usually about 30-35 minutes in length. ​



We always offer prayer at the end of our service. If you'd like prayer, just come forward and tell one of the prayer team members how you'd like them to pray for you. If they are all already praying for people, just hang out on the front row and we'll get to you.​


11:15-11:30am (approximate) – Dismissal

After dismissal, many people like to stick around for a bit to catch up after the service. Be sure to stop by the Next Step Kiosk by the main entrance so we can give you some information about Hilltop and a free gift. 


What should I wear?

Dress is very casual at Hilltop. Some may choose to dress up a bit more but most of us dress very casually. Depending on the weather, you'll see us in jeans, t-shirts, shorts, polos, sneakers, and/or sandals. Come dressed however you would be most comfortable. ​


Do you have a nursery and a children's ministry?

Yes! You can check your little ones into the nursery when you arrive. All K-6th grade kids are invited to join our Children's ministry after our time of worship and communion together.​


Do you take an offering?

We don’t pass plates/baskets during our services. We encourage our newcomers to relax and just focus on getting to know us a little better.​


Those who consider Hilltop to be their church home are encouraged to give regularly to support Hilltop and it's ministries. Scripture teaches us, “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce” - Proverbs 3:9. On Sunday mornings, we have an offering box available (towards the back), or you can give securely online. Thank you for supporting Hilltop!

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(218) 736-4529

525 State Hwy 210 E

Fergus Falls, MN 56537

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