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Who is Hilltop?

“Come as you are, but don’t stay as you are.”


At Hilltop Celebration Church we want to be a community of grace where we are accepted and loved on right where we are at, warts and all, but then challenged to grow and mature into who God already says we are in Christ. We want to practice incarnational love with one another – where we come alongside each other, put our arms around one another, turn together toward Jesus, and start taking little baby steps towards him, and towards looking more like him. We want to see people at Hilltop experience grace, salvation, baptism, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, freedom, deliverance, healing, discipleship, and, ultimately, be equipped for whatever Kingdom ministry God has for them.


Hilltop Celebration Church is a church…

  • That is authentic, where we feel the freedom to show our true selves and not be judged. 

  • Where we walk in humility and in absolute dependence on the Holy Spirit. 

  • Where we prioritize worship and prayer

  • Where we are submitted to Christ’s authority and His Word. 

  • Where we have a heart for those Jesus has a heart for – the lost, the last, and the least. 

  • Where we regularly see those people loved into the Kingdom. 

  • Where we celebrate ALL the gifts of the Spirit – where certain gifts are not elevated over others (except love), and everyone is valued equally from the person who serves in children’s ministry to the person who cleans the bathrooms to the person who is preaching up front. 

  • Where we trust that God is correct when He says we are made righteous through Christ and that we are saints. 

  • Where we trust the Holy Spirit to guide us into maturity – into what is already true about us – that we ARE a new creation in Christ. 


Our core values: 


  • Grace-Based Atmosphere

  • Transparency and Authenticity

  • Humility

  • Dependency on the Holy Spirit

  • Priority of Worship and Prayer

  • Authority of Scripture

  • Loving and caring for one another as a family

  • Loving and caring for the lost, the last, and the least

  • Helping each person discover and fulfill their God-given purpose

  • Children and Family

  • Fun and Joy in the Kingdom


What we believe:


1. Scripture: We believe that the Holy Scriptures, the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, are the verbally inspired, authoritative and infallible Word of God. (2 Tim. 3:16)

2. Triune God: We believe that there is one God, who is eternally self existent, showing Himself to us in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are identical in nature, equal in power and glory and having precisely the same attributes. There is only one God, not three (Deut. 6:4), who is clearly revealed in Scripture as three distinct persons. (John 14:8-9; Acts 5:3,9)

3. Man's Creation, Fall and Salvation: We believe that man was created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27), but through Adam's sin we all became sinners and were separated from God (Rom. 5:15-16). God provides salvation as a free gift in Christ to all men (Rom. 6:23; Eph. 2:8), but only those who receive this gift by faith are saved (John 3:16,36; Rom. 2:6-8). Salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit, taking the Word of God and applying it to the heart of man so that whosoever confesses with his mouth Jesus as Lord and believes in his heart that God raised Him from the dead shall be saved (Rom. 10:9-10).

4. The Person of Christ: We believe:
1) in the deity of Christ - He is God from the beginning, (John 1:1-5, 14; Col. 2:9)
2) in the humanity of Christ - He left the glory of heaven and "emptied Himself" of the right to act as God and took the form of a servant (Phil. 2:5-8) and was born of a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:23; Luke 1:35)
3) that with His sacrifice of life and death Jesus made the only atonement for sin. (Eph.1:7-8; Col.1:14; Acts 4:12; II
4) in His bodily resurrection. (Lk.24:1-7; I Cor.15:1-8,20)
5) in His ascension to heaven in the body and His present intercession for the saints. (Acts 1:9-11; Rom.3:34; Heb.7:25-
6) in His personal return in power and glory (I Thess.4:13-18; I Cor.15:51-52; II Peter 3:8- 15) which will result in the
resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those that are saved to the resurrection of life, and those that are lost to the resurrection of judgment. (I Cor. 3:13-15; I Cor. 4:5; II Cor. 5:10; Rev. 22:12; II Tim. 4:8)


5. The Holy Spirit: We believe:
1) That the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, regenerates every believer by effecting genuine repentance and
saving faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. (I Cor. 12:3; John 3:5-8)
2) That the Holy Spirit automatically indwells every born-again believer, enabling him to walk in obedience to Jesus as
Lord, and to live a Godly life. (Rom. 8:9-11; Rom. 6:1-11)
3) That Jesus Christ, the ascended Lord, has promised to baptize (empower, anoint, fill) every born-again Christian with the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit so that the Body of Christ on earth might be equipped to carry on the supernatural ministry of Jesus. (Matt. 3:11; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:5,8; Luke 11:13; John 14:12; 1 Cor. 12:4-11; Acts 2:38-39)

6. Marriage: We believe that Scripture clearly establishes marriage as a holy and sacred, lifelong covenant between one man and one woman before God and man. (Gen. 1:27, 2:24; Matt. 19:4-6) God has given the gift of marriage to humanity as picture of his covenantal love for the Church, his bride. It is a ‘mystery’ that God has entrusted to the Church to uphold as his witnesses. (Eph. 5:31-32)

7. Creeds: The congregation accepts the Apostolic, the Nicene and the Athanasian Creeds with the rest of orthodox Christianity.

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(218) 736-4529

525 State Hwy 210 E

Fergus Falls, MN 56537

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